Help Topics
- What is an Arch-Enemy?
- What are Enemies?
- How do I log out?
- Where is my trap link?
- Am I allowed to go to my own Trap Page?
- How much money do I get for trapping one of my friends?
- How many people can I trap in one day?
- Are there any bonuses associated with trapping?
Player Stats
- What is Power?
- How do I increase my stats?
Player Profiles
- Where is my Profile?
- How do I change my Profile?
- How do I view someone elses Profile?
- Why is the cost of Stamina different from the rest of my stats?
- Why can I not "honorably" attack a player?
- How do I know when I've been attacked?
- What is the Attack History?
- Why doesn't the Deposit Max button deposit all of my money?
- How can I heal myself?
- How can I heal other players?
- What permissions does each dynasty rank have?
- How do Dynasty Taxes work?
- What is an Arch-Enemy?
- What are Enemies?
- How do I log out?
- Where is my trap link?
- Am I allowed to go to my own Trap Page?
- How much money do I get for trapping one of my friends?
- How many people can I trap in one day?
- Are there any bonuses associated with trapping?
Player Stats
- What is Power?
- How do I increase my stats?
Player Profiles
- Where is my Profile?
- How do I change my Profile?
- How do I view someone elses Profile?
- Why is the cost of Stamina different from the rest of my stats?
- Why can I not "honorably" attack a player?
- How do I know when I've been attacked?
- What is the Attack History?
- Why doesn't the Deposit Max button deposit all of my money?
- How can I heal myself?
- How can I heal other players?
- What permissions does each dynasty rank have?
- How do Dynasty Taxes work?
In Samurai War, you play the fictional role of a samurai. This is a multiplayer game, and you will encounter many other players in your experiences. Get used to dying a lot, because a lot of people kill other players for fun.Frequently Asked Questions:
What is an Arch-Enemy?
Your Arch-Enemy is the person who originally captured you when you first joined Samurai War. If you weren't captured before you signed up, you don't have an Arch-Enemy.
What are Enemies?
Your Enemies are the people you captured that decided to join Samurai War.
How do I log out?
Click the logout button on the left navigation menus.
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You can capture your friends into your very own trap - this trap is in the form of a link. When your friend goes to your link, he is unsuspectingly trapped and robbed by you, an elite samurai. If your friend chooses, he can join in on the fun and sign up with you as his arch enemy. That is probably how you ended up here in the first place.Frequently Asked Questions:
Where is my trap link?
It can be found on your Start page, which is accessible by the menu bar on the left of your screen.
Am I allowed to go to my own Trap Page?
Yes, its perfectly fine to visit your own Trap Page once a day. However, changing your IP address (includes logging on/off of your internet connection) to visit your own page multiple times is NOT allowed and can get you BANNED.
How much money do I get for trapping one of my friends?
You can get anywhere from $20 to $200 by trapping someone.
How many people can I trap in one day?
You can only trap up to 100 people in one day. This is to keep the game fair - some people who post their trap links on their web sites can get well over 100 traps in a day. Also, it's to keep the game interesting. There are plenty more things to do in Samurai War other than trap people.
Are there any bonuses associated with trapping?
Yes. For the first 25 people you capture in one day, 25% of your Stamina is restored. If you manage to capture 50 people in one day, 20% additional Stamina is restored. At 75 captures, 10% additional Stamina is restored. For information on Stamina see Player Stats and Attacking.
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Player Stats
A player's stats are what determine how well he does in combat. There are 4 main stats: Health, Strength, Dexterity, Agility. There is also something called Stamina, but it doesn't effect combat.Health - Simple. A numeric representation of your health. In combat, when you are hit, you lose health. When you have no health left, you fall unconscious. More on this in Attacking.
Strength - Effects how hard you hit in combat. The more strength you have, the more damage you deal out.
Dexterity - Effects how accurate you are. With more dexterity, you miss your opponent less. More hits = more damage.
Agility - Effects how skilled you are in dodging attacks. With more agility, your opponent is more likely to miss you. You may have noticed that agility counters the effect of dexterity. This can be very crucial in combat.
Stamina - This doesn't effect combat, but it is required for actions such as attacking and healing. 1 Stamina point is regenerated every 5 minutes, so use it wisely.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is Power?
Power is the sum of all of your stats, which is only used as a guide for attacking other players.
How do I increase my stats?
You can increase your stats by training. See the section on Training for more information.
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Player Profiles
Your profile is a little place where you can share some information about yourself with the other players of Samurai War. A profile also displays information about a player reguarding his stats and his Dynasty (assuming he is in one).Frequently Asked Questions:
Where is my Profile?
You can view your own profile by clicking the View Profile link on the menu on the left side of your screen.
How do I change my Profile?
You can change your profile information by clicking the Edit Profile link.
How do I view someone elses Profile?
You can view the profiles of others by either typing their names into the Search box on the View Profile page, or by clicking on their names.
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You can train to increase your stats, and do better in combat as a result. Training costs money, and training costs increase as you become more powerful.To train, first click on the Train button on the menu on the left of your screen. Beside each stat, type in the number that you would like to train, and click submit. Make sure you have enough money to train the stats you've selected!
Frequently Asked Questions:
Why is the cost of Stamina different from the rest of my stats?
This is because Stamina does not directly effect combat, and so its cost is calculated seperately from the rest of your stats.
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You can attack other players and Non Player Characters (NPCs - generated by the server) for money. It costs 1 Stamina to attack another player.In order to be able to attack another player:
- You and your opponent must both be conscious
- You must have enough Stamina to attack
- You and your opponent must not be under Newbie Protection
- You cannot be dishonorably more powerful than your opponent
Note that players who are offline are still vulnerable to attacks!
To find players to attack, click on the Attack button on the menu on the left of your screen. You can choose from a list of filters on which players to rank:
Find Conscious Players - This lists all players who are conscious, and therefore vulnerable to attack
Find NPCs - This lists all Non Player Characters. NPCs are always conscious, and usually have a considerable amount of money on them.
Find Online Players - This lists all players who are online currently. This can be useful, because these players often have large amounts of money on them.
After you choose a filter, you are presented with the rankings of the players who match your filter. If the rankings exceed one page, you can navigate pages at the bottom of the list. Also, you can rank players by Money or Power. Simply click Money or Power to rank by that value.
From the rankings, you can either attack that player immediately by clicking Attack, or you can view their profile and attack from there.
Based on your stats, you may win or lose the fight. The first person to lose all of their health falls unconscious, leaving all of the money in their wallet to the winner. The attack will be logged in both the attacker and defender's Attack History.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Why can I not "honorably" attack a player?
You are so much stronger than that player that it would be dishonorable to attack them. Specificly, you are more than 278% more powerful than them. To find the Power of the lowest player you can possibly attack, multiply your own Power by .36 (36/100).
How do I know when I've been attacked?
All incoming and outgoing attacks are logged into your Attack History.
What is the Attack History?
Your Attack History is a log of up to 30 attacks you've made or attacks that have been made on you. The Attack History is quite self-explanatory. You can view your Attack History by clicking on the Attack History link on the menu on the left of your screen. By default, the Attack History shows attacks in. To view attacks out, click Attacks Out at the bottom of the page. You can go back to Attacks In by clicking the link at the bottom of the page.
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The Bank is a place where you can safely store your money. The amount of money you can hold in your bank increases with your Power. The maximum you can hold in your bank is $50,000. To visit the Bank, click the Bank link on the menu on the left on your screen. Enter the amount you would like to deposit or withdraw, and then click the Deposit or Withdraw button. Click Max to deposit or withdraw the maximum amount possible.Frequently Asked Questions:
Why doesn't the Deposit Max button deposit all of my money?
The most likely reason is that your bank is full.
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At the Clinic, you can heal yourself and other players. You can visit the Clinic by clicking the link on the Menu.Frequently Asked Questions:
How can I heal myself?
You can heal yourself by either paying a small fee, or spending 10 Stamina to use the Healing Technique.
How can I heal other players?
You can only heal other players by spending 10 Stamina to use the Healing Technique.
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Dynasties are made up of groups of players that band together for a common goal.Frequently Asked Questions:
What permissions does each dynasty rank have?
- Peasant:
- View Dynasty Log
- View Armoury Status
- Donate to Treasury
- Donate to Armoury
- Posting and starting topics on dynasty forums
- Samurai:
- View Dynasty Log
- View Armoury Status
- Donate to Treasury
- Donate to Armoury
- Posting and starting topics on dynasty forums
- Daimyo:
- View Dynasty Log
- View Armoury Status
- Donate to Treasury
- Donate to Armoury
- Posting and starting topics on dynasty forums
- Post News - (edit or delete own news)
- Armoury Recall
- Manage Applications
- Manage Member Ranks (can promote / demote peasants and samurais, and also ban members)
- Manage Armoury (Lend Items)
- Shogun:
- View Dynasty Log
- View Armoury Status
- Donate to Treasury
- Donate to Armoury
- Posting and starting topics on dynasty forums, and delete any topics or posts
- Post News - (edit or delete own news, and daimyo’s news)
- Armoury Recall
- Manage Applications
- Manage Member Ranks (can promote and demote all ranks except shogun and emperor, and also ban members)
- Manage Armoury (Lend Items)
- Buy Weapons (buy weapons for armoury using dynasty cash)
- Buy Armour (buy armour for armoury using dynasty cash)
- Armoury Clean Out (sell weapons/armors to earn the dynasty some cash)
- Emperor:
- All Permissions, including editing dynasty image, shogun, bestowing emperor title on another user, etc.
How do Dynasty Taxes work?
Dynasty taxes will tax all members on the money they earn from traps. The maximum tax a dynasty can impose on its members is 10%. The money will automatically be taken from the user when a person falls into their trap, and put into the dynasty treasury.
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[Sep 20, 9:32 AM] - byebyeblimps has earned the Total Kills level 10000 achievement.